As the days get longer and warmer, it's time to start preparing the farm for a productive spring. Not only is it important to check on our beloved Jersey cow "Yarrow," but also to make sure that our chickens and land are healthy and happy. I walk every few days around the property to observe and take note of any green beginning to peak through falls leaves, I see our fruit trees show the first signs of buds , and cat nip is sprouting optimistically in my planters. Here’s how we’ve been getting ready for a successful season of growing and harvesting food.
Cleaning & Repairing Chicken Coops & Creating healthy soil
Happy chickens lay healthy and strong eggs. Thats why after months of being battered by winter storms, it’s essential to clean and repair all chicken coops before spring arrives.We repair holes that varmints may have made, clean floors completely ,add fresh wood chips, sweep out dusty cobwebs from the walls, and add fresh bedding to nesting boxes.
All of these things help to keep the area dry , helping chickens to avoid colds during the wet months ,and give them the boost they need.
On the farm we use this cleaning opportunity to inspect health and separate flocks into their appropriate homes, and breeds. All the hens and roosters get a healthy dose of probiotics, vitamins, dewormer , and minerals to give the girls what they need for egg laying. Playing, and scratching in compost is one of chickens favourite activities, Since compost is so important for providing plants with vital nutrients, we build hot compost bins near each chicken run in order to provide our gardens with organic material throughout the season, and a fun daily activity for the girls. Healthy soil is an integral part of any successful farm, so we are constantly striving to create nutrient-rich soil through natural methods ,This helps us create an environment where garden beds can thrive without needing any synthetic chemicals or fertilizers
Our Jersey girl was a fair ground cow when she came to us, she loves children, and excels around excitement, and people.Yarrow surprised us and is now around 7 months pregnant by my guess, after feeling her belly regularly with overall suspicion , and second guessing instincts ;
I believe she is due around late February-March, so while we wait for her ultrasound and exact due date from the farm vet, we just wait and make her as comfortable as possible. Visiting with her means checking her health daily, as well as feeding her snacks ,and giving her plenty of scratches. We have found that Yarrow is especially affectionate when pregnant —she knows that she needs extra love, and we don't mind obliging ! In addition, we have been giving
Her special supplements during this time in order ensure that she remains healthy and strong throughout her pregnancy.
Getting ready for spring on the farm isn't just about cleaning up after winter; Its about love, its about happiness, and the satisfaction we get from caring for other beings and the land. It's also about making sure all of our animals remain healthy and happy while providing them with the nutrition they need to grow, so that we can produce food throughout the season. By living with empathy and working together, we can ensure that our farm will be ready for a fertile season ahead!